Breaking the Fast

     As the days pass by, one after the other, it becomes increasingly difficult to do basic things like wake up, shower, dress, pay bills, and maintain consciousness for more than sixty minutes at a time.   After a while, your log begins to look something like this: "Day 51 - The beer supply is dwindling and we've run out of twinkies.  Beard length has reached dangerous proportions.  Sandwiches and morale have both reached critically low levels. We may have to eat the dog."
   Many of us have been there, distraught, seemingly without hope, wondering if, as time went by, you could easily determine which of your pets would be the least tough and stringy.  But lets not discuss pets. Lets talk about YOU.  What have you been doing to stay on track?  You're learning how to work in adverse environments right now.  Especially if you've EVER, even ONCE attempted to navigate the abysmal unemployment website. It truly is terrible. Mind numbingly, gut-wrenchingly terrible. If you can do that, you can deal with just about anything.
   So I know what you're thinking - how do I find the motivation?  Obviously a balanced breakfast. Maybe avoid donuts for a while.  Have a bowl of oatmeal and some orange juice.  Oatmeal comes in a huge variety of flavors and sizes, ranging from 'Ye Olde Gigantic Oatmeal Man Cardboard Tube Sized Plain' to 'Packet with some peach flavor and stuff.'  You can mix it with some milk, you can throw in raisins, walnuts, almonds, brown sugar, blueberries, or loads of other healthy stuff to make it a bit tastier.  You can serve it extra hot or warm.  You can make it thick or a bit soupy and easier to handle. And Orange Juice? The color alone should be enough to shock your senses into action.
   So go get yourself something healthy.  Then hop in the bathtub, throw in some Moonlight Orange Vanilla Cupcake scented body wash from Bath & Body Works, scrub-a-dub, evaluate and address unwanted hair length as necessary, and start sending resumes!  Run to the post office.  Walk to your local grocery store for lunch - even if it takes half an hour. Read books about what you want to do.  Then at night, clean up and hit the sack.
   With a little luck (and maybe a few good suggestions for your friends) you'll find yourself busier than a beekeeper missing his bee-free mask, and probably better paid too!


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