Autumn is Officially Here!

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

Good Morning, everyone, and welcome to Autumn!

   I know you've been waiting for this. Cooler temperatures*, falling leaves,** pumpkin spiced [insert pretty much anything here], turkey, the majestic cornucopia, and peppermint.

   Many of you may not own a cornucopia  - so I've brought some other goodness to appreciate: Pumpkin Spiced Donuts, Caramel Apple Donuts, and, as you all know, today is National White Chocolate Day***, Marble Frosted Donuts - with bothdelicious white chocolate and amazing, rich milk chocolate.

   So now that Fall is officially upon us, enjoy the sights and smells!  By next week, the temperature may drop as low as 86 degrees!  That's less hot, probably!

   And to everyone across the country, Happy National White Chocolate Day!!!!

*Today's projected forecast: 92 degrees
**I don't think there are any leaves that fall here. It should be called stay, or 'the little summer' or some such.
***I promise I don't make this stuff up.


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