The Bagel Man Commeth

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Remember, Remember, the 23rd of December
The Liberty departure and move -
I see no reason this holiday season
Our building situation won't improve!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen - thus begins our final month here at Liberty!  This time next month we'll be in our very own Tradition Studios - which is really amazing if you stop to think about it.  This won't be some building we borrowed and upgraded, nor will it be a space shared with another company.  No, this building was designed and built specifically for you. Everything was created for Digital Domain by Digital Domain. The area it's in was chosen by us.  The building itself was designed for us.  Essentially, this should equate to the best possible experience an employee could ask for.

Commutes will change. Dining options will be revealed.* Parking lots will be filled! How fantastic!
Over the holidays, remember you'll have something new and exciting to look forward to EVERY DAY next year - a brand new, top of the line building - with honest to goodness mortar and stone.
In the meantime, have a (conveniently holiday wreath-shaped) bagel!  Deck it with cream cheese and butter, and heat to taste with our delightful selection of toasters so that your very own, personal bagel can be prepared and decorated exactly as you like it!

Now, on to the 'New Business' section of the weekly email:  We here at Digital Domain Laboratories™** realize that flu season is just around the river bend, and we're there for you.  Using sophisticated techniques, thinkin' machine super computers broke down the problem into its most basic form and finally produced the following solution - Bagel Bowls.

But not just bagel bowls. Poppy Platters. Thyme Tongs. Even Cinnamon Serving Spoons.  These high tech devices will allowest you to grasp thine bagel without actually touching thine bagel, thus preventing the further spread of diseases (if you pleases). So say goodbye to those holiday colds - and say hello to a warm, delicious bagel!

*McDonalds. It's usually a McDonalds.
**Building better worlds.  Made out of Jell-o when possible


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