Labor Day Weekend

Friday, September 2nd, 2011

What a week!
   An epic bake sale, a free pizza extravaganza, and Friday bagels!  What a wonderful week of delicious food!  I have to say, though, that with so many food based fun times, I wondered if perhaps there was a common link - and there was - circles.

Think about it: All the most awesome things in the world are circles.  Half dollars. Banana slices. Pepperoni. Coins. Halos*.Hockey pucks. Bagels. Muffins. Donuts. Large Haydron Colliders. Submarine windows. Crab eyeballs. Wedding Rings.  Onion Rings.

All circles, spheres, toroids and cylinders!

That leads me back to labor day - the one day out of the year we honor all  the hard word we've all done! We, as a collective team, have defeated giant fightin' robots. We've created new characters never seen before on the silver screen, and we've brought old ones** back to life right in front of our faces.

Like all good circles, we provide the best quality work in the industry from the best and brightest in the industry, and the industry provides us projects, opportunities, and the occasional giant fightin' robot!***  And myself and many others leave each day with the crescent of a smile.

So here's to you Digital Domain Media Group! Take great pride in all that you've accomplished and all that you've done! It takes great courage, long hours, hard work, and big computer monitors to accomplish all that we have!  You have my respect, my gratitude, some bagels, and my thanks!

Enjoy, all!

*both deity and installation 004 varieties of halos apply.
**A country boy named a-Johnny B. Goode
***Transforming and Rock Em' Sock Em' Variety


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