Autumn is Upon Us!

Friday, September 9th, 2011

Ah, The passing of Labor day - which leads us to the unofficial start of Fall!  How wonderful this time of year is - when we cross from unholy, volcanically face-melting temperatures to merely 'hot and muggy,' a change I've been looking forward to!

Fall also means lots of other changes! In September, you can buy Oct. 31st Halloween costumes.  In Oct. 31st, you can buy Christmas and Hanukah stuff.  And in late December, they put the Independence Day stuff out for purchase.  Truly this is a great time of year, and I love that the holidays are starting earlier and earlier!  I fully expect Santa to visit my Christmas party dressed as Dracula.

The best part?  Fall themed everything!  Autumn Forrest Candles! Peppermint twist car fresherner! Pumpkin Pie! Pumpkin Lattes! Pumpkin Muffins! Pumpkin Pancakes!  Nike Pumps* and Pumpkin Spice Muffins!

In celebration of this unofficial climate cooling, I have placed MUFFINS of every variety out - but especially PUMPKIN SPICED MUFFIN!**  Sing a song*** Do a dance!  Enjoy the sights and smells of autumn, and the cooler, crisper winds breaking off our coast! And snow crunching beneath your feet! And if by some off chance it doesn't snow, you can still feel the crisp crunch of stepping over crumbs of cinnamon crunch muffin goodness!
Enjoy everyone!

*Orange Pumpkin-colored self-lacing ones!
**I bring pumpkin spiced muffins now.  Pumpkin spiced muffins are cool.
***By the Pumpkin Spice Girl


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