Cream Cheese Transportation Device

Friday, September 16th, 2011

Cream cheese.  Bagels are really just a delivery method for delicious cream cheese.  A lovely topping that combines whole, unskimmed milk with additional cream to create tasty delicousness.

According to my records*, cream cheese came about somewhere roundabouts 1583.  However, the first AMERICAN cream cheese showed up in New York around 1872.

Why is it amazing? It goes on anything.  Carrot cake. Bagels. Sushi. Hard Tack. Triscuits. Crab Rangoon**  It's served all over teh world.  Petit suisse, quesso filadelfia, queso crema, queso cremoso, tasty delicousness: These are just some of the names for the delicious spread we all love upon are bagels and other snacks.

The other topping? Butter. That stuff is OLD SCHOOL.  Butter comes from the latin butyrum (which sounds, to my ear, somewhat less tasty than butter) which means something like cow-cheese.  Another amazing triglyceride - this one so good, you can eat it with anything. Pancakes. Bagels. Biscuits. Sandwiches. Cakes. Cookies. Sushi again.

In any case, I've heard it said several times that bagels are merely a transportation device*** by which to consume butter and cream cheese!

So enjoy these tasty treats - happy bagel day!

**Next week: What is Rangoon? What is Rangoon's relationship to Raccoon?
***Wood Paneled station wagons are somewhat tougher on the digestive tract.


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