Donut Savings Time

Friday, November 4th, 2011

Ah, Fall! One of my favorite times of year, especially here in Florida - the temperatures are comfortable and the days are pleasant.  Seriously, those are some rich blue skies and appealing temperatures out there today!

But this weekend comes with a fantastic added bonus - the end of another Daylight Savings Time.  This means you set your clock (conveniently  donut shaped) back one hour!

Why is that awesome? It means you'll be sleepy at 10:45 instead of 11:45! Instead of waking up at 8 AM, you're really going to be waking up at what was the previous day 9 AM!  You get a FREE HOUR! Do what you will with it - you get a bonus hour on that day to do with what you please. It's 1:59 AM, and then, after only 60 seconds, it's 1 AM AGAIN!  That's TIME TRAVEL. And you didn't even have to go 88 miles per hour driving a (rather hard to come by) DeLorean,* a hot tub,** or a guarded time portal.*** All reasonable options.  Phone booths are also an option, but seriously, where are you going to find one of those in this day and age? Also, I believe Dilbert's company sells a Diamond-encrusted time machine that will take you one minute into the future in only sixty seconds.  For the super-premium buyer who has to have everything.

Imagine flying across country as the time zones changed as daylight savings ended. You could fly from Florida at 1 AM, cross over into Mississippi at 1 AM, then into the next time zone etc. etc. and kind of hit the pause button on life.  You'd just have to travel at the perfect speed, which is (note to self: insert carefully researched speed/time ratio here), a terribly impressive bit of mathematics and physics deduction there, eh?

Even more impressive is the change in time zones across whole countries.  Some countries change over times at different points in the year. What's that mean to you?  Only the coolest thing ever: At different times, central Brazil can be one, two, or three hours ahead of the Eastern United States.
So, in conclusion - the GOOD news is... an extra hour of Weekend! Hurrah!  The bad news? Friday is an extra hour away.  But with weather like this I think an extra hour (and a bit of fresh air) will do us all good!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a diamond encrusted time machine to purchase.

Enjoy the Donuts!!!
*requires Mr. Fusion Home Energy Reactor, not included
**requires energy drinks, not included
***requires Mr. Spock, not included


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