Breakfast Food Technical Detail

Friday, October 21st, 2011

The doughnut has existed since the beginning of time. So long that archaeologists continue to unearth fossilized bits of what look like doughnuts in the fossilized remains of prehistoric Native American settlements, and in some cases dinosaur nests*. However, recently in my study of the food, I discovered something interesting.

For a long time, I thought we'd simply been eating donuts. However, I was watching my favorite TV channel** and stumbled across a nifty piece of data. Now, I'm a fan of all the world's great chefs - Gordan Ramsey, Emerill, and one of the most famous of the famous, Boyardee - a grand line up.  So when I say this man single handedly puts their knowledge to shame, you'll know his culinary knowledge spans generations and cultures.

His name isn't important.  His work is known across the world.  But we mortals simply call him: the Swedish Chef.  The Chef explained, in no uncertain terms, what I have come to suspect: Mooffin + Boomershooten = Donut.*** After translating his words, I discovered the Da Vinci Code of donuts - They are MUFFINS with HOLES shot in the middle of them****!

Which means, even more staggeringly, that those fossilized muffins***** are actually unformed donuts! Eureka!

To close, I'd like to say, in the words of the Swedish Chef himself:

"Mooffffeens ere-a, in fect, duooghnoots veet de hules in zee meeddle-a. I ooffffer zeese-a tu yuoo, freeends ooff Deegitel Dumeeen, thet yuoo meeght-a feest! Bork Bork Bork!"

See for yourself:


And I hope to see you ALL at INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE NACHO, the Greatest Thing of All Time.

*I might have read the date wrong
***Yes, your rumors are true. I speak fluent Bork, Bork, Bork!
****Do not attempt!
*****I believe I've heard them called coprolite, but I may be mistaken.


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