Raining Cats and Bagels

Friday, August 26th, 2011

Mathematically speaking, bagels are formed as follows:

"A strong tropical bagel will harbor an area of sinking air at the center of circulation. If this area is strong enough, it can develop into a large "eye*". The area in the "eye" is normally calm and free of dough, although the sesame may be extremely violent. The eye is normally circular in shape, and may range in size from 3 inches to 10 inches in diameter. Intense, mature tropical bagels can sometimes exhibit an outward curving of the eyewall's top, making it resemble a football stadium."

If there are sheering winds and such, I bet that forms a Krueller, but further research may be required**.

In short, it is the centrifugal force of the rotating core that forms bagels.  Feel free to shower yours with cream cheese, a splash of jam, sprinkles (if you have them handy) or chunks of pineapple and coconut that I'm sure were blown in from the Bahamas over night. 

In any case, I hope you all had a safe evening and your gardenias got lots of rain!
Enjoy the treats!

*Donut hole?
**Eating a Krueller is the best kind of scientific research.


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