Par Four(th) Bagels

Friday, June 29th, 2012

Coming up Wednesday next will be the Fourth of July - a day that famously honors the principles upon which our company stands.  Perhaps some things have changed (a chicken in every pot became a bagel in every bag) but the foundations remain the same!

In any case, there is a BEAUTIFUL week coming up, now that tropical storm Debbie Downer has headed off on a two week cruise into the Atlantic, we can all enjoy a fantastic day off! What will you do?  I, myself, enjoy golf!  I've even played a couple of times.  I even took a six month class on golf, including the history, the rules, and learned how to play.  From all that, here's what I can tell you:

Many years ago somewhere in Scotland, a man decided it would be fun to whack a ball with a bent stick into a bagel hole.  He chose a bagel hole because it was about the same size as the round-ish rock he was using to play with and because in Scotland, there are only about two things that will grow:  Wheat-type stuff, potatoes, and, if Ocean Spray is telling me the truth, swampy ponds of cranberries.*

So nobody understood the rules, which allowed people to argue over who was winning.  People seemed to enjoy that poker-esque aspect of the game. This perpetuated the game, which now lasts many days and has spun of multiple permutations, including Frisbee Golf (with funnel cakes) and Mini Golf (donut holes).

And now, this sport is a favorite American Pasttime, unlike swimming in swamps of cranberries!  So enjoy your bagels (another distinctly American treat) and the Fourth of July Everybody!

*Given the three choices, I think bagels were probably the obvious choice.


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