Bagel Sushi

Friday, July 27th, 2012

It occurred to me that properly enjoying a fresh bagel is not unlike fishing, except it involves slightly less on the water side and slightly more on the toasting side.  Think about it: Everyone bobs on down to the kitchen, wherein, depending on the time of day, there may or may not be bagels. If it’s early enough, most are content to just cast about, adrift, waiting for a bite.  Once you’ve decided that this is a good spot, and that there are in fact bagels, it’s time to cast your line (hand) into the water (bags).  Each contains a unique species.  Some have scales (the sesame and poppy seed variety) and some an unusual smell (the onion and everything bagels).  These species travel, like fish, in groups.  Jellyfish travel in smacks, fish travel in schools, and bagels travel in bags.*  If you keep fishing in the same spot, you’re likely to get the same fishes over and over again.
Once caught, like a fish, you must prepare it for eating (slice).  Then, it must be cooked (toasted). Some people prefer not to cook their fish.  This is sushi (bagel sushi).  It is then covered in your favorite topping  and served - warm, fresh and ready, to you!
Anyway, as you attend to your Reel today, enjoy your fresh bagel sushi!
*Visual effects artists travel in cars. Cars of artists.  Executives travel in groups called Committees.  Bagel delivery men travel in secret.


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