A Bagel of a Different Color

Friday, October 28th, 2011

Bagels - the legendary horse riding invention, and, indeed, one of the most unique bread products available on the open market today.  Bagels are possibly the only bread product boiled before they're baked.  They're also formed from an eggless dough.

Legend has it that the bagel was invented in 1683 when a Jewish baker in Vienna baked a hard roll in the shape of a stirrupas a thank you to King John III Sobieski (of Poland) who lead the calvary.  HOWEVER, the bügel as it was then called may have popped up earlier, as it was mentioned in a cooking book in Kracow, Poland in 1610.

But modern bagels? Those were brought her by immigrants in the 1920's.  The most awesome part?  They formed a secret fraternity of 300 men* whom knew how to prepare the treats properly.  They could ONLY pass the recipe down to their sons.

Twenty years later, the bagel-fied equivalent of the printing press popped up in popular pastry providing providences, and the rest is history.

Today, in the kitchen, we have provided extra cream cheese for you bagel delights.  I have discovered that it is actually impossible to have TOO MUCH cream cheese. We've never had extra cream cheese, we've only ever had 'enough.'

In any case, enjoy your tasty stirrups!



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