Digital Domain à la mode!

Friday, May 18th, 2012

The Muffin Man will provide!  We here at Muffin Studios pride ourselves in providing top-flight breakfast goods - because that's just how we roll.  And what better way to roll than with a few Cinnamon rolls? That's right - I managed to swipe a handful of delicious TEXAS style cinnamon buns.  Texas style, as best I gathered during my brief stay there, means BIG.  For example, 'big news' might be a new niece or nephew.  TEXAS STYLE news probably means you'd better get down to your bunker*, shut the doors, and start up the generator!  

I have to ask, though, when a food is supposed to be 'style' I always imagine it to LOOK like some artifact from the given area - shouldn't a TEXAS STYLE cinnamon bun really be a TEXAS STYLE cinnamon long-horn shaped treat?  That'd make more sense to me.  Louisana style gumbo should look a little more like the bayou.  Perhaps ' à la mode' would be more appropriate - it means 'in the fashion.' 

But isn't that a fashionably French term?  Cannes Film Festival is this week - would that make it a Film Festival à la mode?  And if you were fashionably late, wouldn't that be late à la mode?  I guess croissants are already à la mode, as they're already named something French.  I think.  Or it might be from Lord of the Rings.

Perhaps it's best not to dwell on why we call things what we do.  Please enjoy the Cajun-Bayou BIG TEXAS Cinnamonlonghorn-claws and muffins à la mode!**

*cheerily stocked, I'm sure, with TEXAS style cinnamon buns
**Wait, does that mean with chocolate on top?  I'm TEXAS style confused.


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