A Toast to all of You!

Friday, May 27th, 2011

I'd like to share a story with all of you:

     Last year, I spent just over a month in India.  On the second day I had for breakfast several very odd dishes, but I actually asked for toast. But I got none. I asked for toast every morning. I asked for toast each DAY I was in India. My waiter clearly understood. He always asked if I wanted white or wheat bread. Then he'd ask if I'd like butter.  Everyone else got toast. But, for me at least, no toast ever arrived. I don’t know what happened to my toast. I assume it vanished to the mysteriously absent 4th or 5th floors of the building. Or maybe it absconded with the roof. But one can never be too sure of toast.

And so, when a request for additional toasters popped up, an idea began baking in my head and has thus come to fruition:

    Today, your voices have been heard!  We now have triple the toasting capacity*!  We can (almost) literally rocket toasted treats right into your waiting stomachs!  Best of all, these aren't just toasters. They're bagel toasters - yes, friends and colleagues, these toasters have the capacity to bagel!  Because, in fact, you guys are too good for regular toast. We have bagels - lots of bagels - to be toasted - and plenty of fixin's to go along. Feel free to toast away! But maybe put the cream cheese on AFTER you toast the bagel. Don't want a repeat of that unfortunate incident! Those poor souls... However, we don't want those who do not favor the toast to get burnt, so we've also got our usual selection of additional goodies:

Blackberry Preserves
Grape Jam
Strawberry Jelly
Bagels of all shapes, sizes and colors
Green and Red Apples
Green n' Red Fuji Apples
Butter (a lot of it!)
Individually wrapped vacuum sealed (for freshness) Philadelphia style cream cheese
Orange Juices of varying pulp content
Mini Oranges with some random name I can't remember, like sasquatches or something

Oh, and DONUTS!

Again, your thanks is appreciated and readily shared with management. You are also welcome to reciprocate with gifts!  We accept: mansions, Ferraris, iPads, Ohio-class intercontinental ballistic missile submarines, and rainbows (magical variety only, please- we're all stocked up on regular rainbows, thank you very much).**

*Prices and participation may vary. See store for details. Offer not valid with other offers.
**We are no longer accepting unpaid parking tickets.  We apologize for the inconvenience.


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