Doughnut Morning has Arrived Again!

Friday, August 19th, 2011

If you have ever walked around upstairs, and  looked down on the floor, the glistening treats look almost like a field of stars shining in the darkness - and, also like the stars above, they're a constant in the early morning. Donuts have taught me more than I thought fried pastry could.  Peering through their sugary centers has taught me about people, both individually, and as groups. The sprinkles are a celebration of these things.

Or maybe that's just the 9 AM sugar rush talking.

This week, there are extra servings of glazed, chocolate frosted (with and without sprinkles) to go with the plethora admirable and exceptional artists across the floor.*

To all of you, I wish you a very, very merry Friday afternoon and all the best!

And, just as a reminder, please help keep the kitchen clean.  Ants can carry, like, 8 times their body weight.  That means that, I dunno, maybe three ants could carry off an entire donut, and Florida has a lot of ants. Enough to carry off at least half our donuts, possibly more. I  punch those numbers into my calculator and it makes a sad face. So cast your refuse into the appropriate receptacles**, and may the pastries be with you!

*and the rest of the Milky-Way Galaxy, but only YOU get donuts.

**Please refrain from casting extra donuts into the fires of Mount Doom, as donuts cannot be created or destroyed. They can only change form.


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