Sesame Treat

Friday, June 15th, 2012

"Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward."  These were the words of Professor Charles Xavier, a man who rolled on a chair in which two bagelshaped wheels helped him change comic books forever.  But, he's right.  As you're eating movie-chow today, keep in mind that there are new artisan bagels in the mix. I'm not entirely sure what artisan means - I don't think it means the bagels were made a bagel artist. Because that's ridiculous - so ridiculous it probably actually does exist somewhere.  However, I can tell you that, from a simple, single-flavor plain bagel, bagels have evolved.  They include new ingredients, new toppings, and new spreads.  As your tastes evolves, so, too, do they!  We now have a pumpernickel, a word I couldn't spell to save my life*.  There is also a sun dried tomato basil bagel, which means, not unlike myself, this bagel has sat in the sun all day without enough 80 SPF sunblock, and has missed some spots, resulting in a red Dalmatian-like pattern.  Anyway, back to the on-topic off topic, The plain bagel grew and evolved as it met with and was changed by flavors, tastes, and ingredients from around the world!

So what I'm saying, if I'm saying anything is Happy Father's Day, Plain Bagel!

Enjoy Everyone!

*probably from a pumpernickel related allergy.


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