Laws of ThermoDoughNamics

Friday, February 10th, 2011

Doughnuts cannot be created or destroyed - they can only change form.  That's the LAW!  In my various academic studies of movie sub-plots, I've discovered another element that also is indestructible due to a physics technicality - LOVE*!  Love conquers all.  What with Valentine's Day around the corner, I bet you where planning to serve a fine chilled chianti and some cocoa-flavored bon-bons - but take heed, my friends: see my words.  If you want to be truly kind, why not a chocolate krueller and a vine, aged bordough?  This week, at Dunkin' Donuts, they have HEART SHAPED DONUTS.  Which I have brought because I care for everyone!

Heart shaped donuts are actually the ideal gift! Think about it!  It's like getting a box of chocolates, except the box is made of edible unicorn rainbows and joy-infused sunshine rays!  Some are filled with a light, fluffy chocolate or vanilla cream (no Turkish delight** filling in these bad boys!)  They're also probably much fresher than regular chocolates, as they require no plastic wrap as a preservative!  Plus you can't eat chocolates for breakfast! That's just crazy!

In any case, please go enjoy a few delicious donuts and have a splendid day!  Take one to your desk! The first law of thermodoughnamics states that donut conservation = energy conservation, so conserve some fun times!

And Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone @ DDMG! <3

*It may have actually been people. I can't be sure. I fall asleep during subplots
** Turkish Dunkin' Donuts may have a turkish delight in them due to a grammar technicality  


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