The Measure of a Muffin

Friday, January 27th, 2012

As a great songwritter once said, "Am I a man, or am I a muffin?  If I'm a man then I'm a muffin of a man."*  If it's true that you are what you eat (which undoubtedly it is - we're all atoms) then you're in great shape!  What's in your muffin anyway?

Flour & Wheat - staples of any diet!  They're in your most basic breadstuffs, and are milled from delicious grains!  Besides that, flour looks like snow, and everybody loves snow.  Hence it must be good. Stay with me here, sometimes muffin-based logic can take a sudden, unexpected left-hand turn!

Milk - How many times have you heard it does a body good?  A lot!  It's got calcium, which is excellent for bone strength!  And calcium, along with vitamin C (which is in some of the orange cake muffins) also fight scurvy.  So, if you're a pirate or a ninja, this is a key ingredient.  Are you a pirate?  I bet you aaaaaarrrrgggh.**

Eggs!  Eggs are in muffins!  That's breakfast!  What a fantastic protein! Eggs are produced by chickens, and chickens are cool looking as animals, fantastic as sandwiches, and delightful as McNuggets!

However, we have tons of other ingredients - like cinnamon, which comes from the Greek kinnámōmon, a derivative of the original Malay word kayu manis, which means "sweet wood." That just sounds amazing. So have a cimmamom muffin.  A cimanin muffin.  If you have problems saying it, just tell everyone you prefer the original Greek pronunciation!

There's also blueberries, which are the color of the blue morpho butterfly and contain valuable antioxidants, as does the chocolate in both the chocolate chip and chocolate chocolate chunk muffins. We have Apple Oatmeal, Corn Muffins, Cranberry muffins, and pumpkin spice muffins, each with a unique flavor and blend of nutritious ingredients!
And for sugar, muffins use brown sugars, a raw, less processed form of regular sugar!

What I'm getting at here is that there's a lot of great stuff in muffins!  You can be great too!  Eat a muffin!  You'll grain strength, you'll C an improvement in bone health, and they most certainly do a body good!

*Adapted from the academy award nominated film 'The Muppets"
**Hooked on pirate jokes. Me mateys.


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