Friday, May 11th, 2012

Yes, to answer your question.  Donuts* were created to honor our saucer flying friends from out of town. The shape should be obvious, resembling both the disk in which they fly (minus the pilot, of course, because that would be ridiculous to eat) AND the portal through which they traveled to our dimension.  That's why this week, we have star shaped donuts with star shaped sprinkles, to remind us of our alien friends' homes among the stars**.

They are, in fact, limited edition MEN IN BLACK donuts, which I'm sure you realized as soon as you saw the six black SUV's that surrounded my car, pulled me over, and loaded my car with delicious limited edition star shaped donuts.  Like what aliens would do, except with SUV's.  I may or may not be an agent of this department's F.I.E.L.D. department (as you'll recall, this is Food Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division).  You'll notice I don't wear a black suit into the office every day.  This may or may not be done with the possible intention of possibly concealing my actual job researching how to differentiate between excellently made UFO visual effects and actual UFO's recorded on cameras.  And donuts actually attract some forms of aliens, it's like music to their ears.***

It may also be that the donuts have been placed here to weed out potential alien infiltrators.  Anyone not eating donuts? Clearly a species of alien with a genetic delicious-intolerance.  Eating lots of donuts?  Species needs additional frostings in their diets to survive.  Eating just the right amount of donuts?  Cleverly trying to blend in.
I don't know.  Anybody could be an alien.  All I know for certain is that I'm not one.  Probably.


*They're out of this world?
**No, Not Justin Beiber. Different kind of stars
**Twinkle Twinkle little glazed, donuts leave me quite amazed


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