D'Oh! Nuts!

Friday, November 18th, 2011

Yes - there are donuts again today!

  On a related note: Time Travel. Today, I will be using these doughnuts as gateways to another time!* Peering through the center of a donut serves as a time portal to both the past and the future.  In fact, the sugary reflective glaze actually works in favor of the tachyon pulse emitters.  Peering backwards, last week was Veteran's Day!  There were no donuts, but I did wish to express my sincerest gratitude to the many men and women who served this country.  I wish you the very best, and my sincerest thanks!

  Now, jumping through the donut portal, we find ourselves at next week - Thanksgiving while the portal is open between these two points, allow me to give thanks to the veterans once more!  Now, as many of you know, next week, most of you won't be here on Friday.  This may mean you have to fend for yourselves!  I know this is bothersome, but sometimes that's just how the dough rolls.  Instead, consider delicious alternatives!  Pumpkin pies!  Muffins! Fresh baked yams!   Chocolate cake!  General Tsao's Chicken!  These are all fantastic breakfast foods, and they will be there for you!

  Thanksgiving is a time to remember and appreciate your family - and whether you know it or not, despite the cliché, there's a big family here at Digital Domain.  I see you all here every day. Most of you were here the first day I set foot in Port St. Lucie, and many of you I knew before then. We've been through thick and thin.  Almost Hurricanes. Building set ups. Power Outages.  Perhaps worst of all, Donut-less Fridays.  But in these things, whether small or large, we are all united! We all talk about the weather outside, the food at Lombardi's and Subway, and alligator (or maybe two) in the front pond!  We all help each other out - either with a spare energy bar on a late night or with a fancy new script that pimp's my frosty**. We all enjoy each other's company!  But more than that, we are all united in that we are here to make the most amazing films, special effects, and 3D visuals that have ever been created anywhere across the globe! We are a team - and every day, each little piece of what you do, though it may seem like an individual task, is actually a small piece of a design so grand and amazing people flock to see it on a screen over 150 feet across!

  So to you, my Digital Domain family, I give great thanks! Thank you for being here! Thank you for all of your hard work, and thank you for your constant support, ingenuity, and persistence!  I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds with all of you!

  Well, maybe not tomorrow. But certainly Monday!

Happy Holidays, my friends!  Enjoy the donuts!

*If they can use a hot tub, I can use a donut.
**Another excellent holiday treat


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