Treatise on Donuts

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

The more I write, the more I realize that the donut can really be the answer to any question you could possibly ask, like one unifying theory that kind of explains everything.  Why are we here? Donuts. What's for dinner? Donuts.  What's the answer to the great question of life, the universe, and everything? Forty-two. Donuts.  Where's Jimmy Hoffa?  Donuts.  Who's on first?  Donuts.  What's the airspeed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?  Depends on whether African, European, and number and type of coconut-frosted donuts carried.  What was I thinking? Donuts.  What time is it?  Time for a donut.  What aisle is the oregano on?  Same one as the donuts.  What is the capital ofConstantinople?  I donut know.

These are all important questions, at least as far as donuts are concerned.  Do we understand all the answers? No, of course not!  Why is today National Eclair Day?  You may go your entire life without knowing the answer, and if you ever did find out, you may not know what that answer means.

This begs the question, "If we won't understand the answer, why seek it in the first place?"

The answer, of course, is Donuts.


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